When life gives you lemons, be difficult and make grape juice!

Not necessarily the odd one out, but never really fitting "in". This is my life and everything in it. All the love, laughter and happiness; and sometimes the sadness too. This is my journey as a fruitloop in this world full of cheerios, trying to make my mark and live every day to the fullest! (if you have to ask, I am an orange fruitloop)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is Halloween

So Halloween has come and gone and I have been lagging on getting this posted! Halloween has to be one of my all time favorite holidays! One of those times you can dress up as an adult and not get looked at funny, and I am happy to say that I have found a man that shares my passion for dressing up like something fun and scary as much as I do!

This year we chose Jack & Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, we always make our costumes and this one looked simple at the time.

We set off to buy everything we needed and came home spending WAY more then we expected (but that happens to us every year :D ). It took us weeks to make the costume, each time we thought we were close to being done, we remembered something else that we needed to do, we thought it would never end. My boyfriends mom was a huge help as I can't sew (and even if I could, I hate it!) she worked hard on my sally dress to get it done and looking AMAZING.

The end result was awesome, we felt like mini celebrities when we went out to the bars, everyone was taking pictures with us (well mainly Jack, but that is to be expected). Enjoy the pictures!

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