When life gives you lemons, be difficult and make grape juice!

Not necessarily the odd one out, but never really fitting "in". This is my life and everything in it. All the love, laughter and happiness; and sometimes the sadness too. This is my journey as a fruitloop in this world full of cheerios, trying to make my mark and live every day to the fullest! (if you have to ask, I am an orange fruitloop)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is Halloween

So Halloween has come and gone and I have been lagging on getting this posted! Halloween has to be one of my all time favorite holidays! One of those times you can dress up as an adult and not get looked at funny, and I am happy to say that I have found a man that shares my passion for dressing up like something fun and scary as much as I do!

This year we chose Jack & Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, we always make our costumes and this one looked simple at the time.

We set off to buy everything we needed and came home spending WAY more then we expected (but that happens to us every year :D ). It took us weeks to make the costume, each time we thought we were close to being done, we remembered something else that we needed to do, we thought it would never end. My boyfriends mom was a huge help as I can't sew (and even if I could, I hate it!) she worked hard on my sally dress to get it done and looking AMAZING.

The end result was awesome, we felt like mini celebrities when we went out to the bars, everyone was taking pictures with us (well mainly Jack, but that is to be expected). Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bye Bye Blondie

So a few weeks ago I decided it was time for a change, and that my hair is where it would happen. I worked up the courage to call my aunt and say "I think I want to go darker"... her response "You think? You need to know..." So I said "OK, I know!" 1 week later we were at the store buying my new hair color.

As I sat in the chair while she painted my hair with dark red/brown and threw some honey highlights in there, I couldn't help but be nervous! I kept thinking, "what if it doesn't look good? What if I hate it? What if....." It was really too late now.

For those of you that don't know, I have had blonde-platinum blonde hair for as long as I can remember, its always been long staying around the middle of my back, at this point it was passed the middle of my back. So going from platinum blonde to anything darker is a pretty drastic change.

After about an hour and half it was time to rinse, I watched the red/purple water pour down the drain getting more nervous each time I opened my eyes, but there was no turning back now.

She wrapped my hair up in a towel and sent me to the chair, were she cut and cut and cut (what felt like FOREVER), I got up to see what could have been a large hamster on the ground, man that was a lot of hair! So finally I get to see it...... drum roll please.......

I walk into the bathroom, turn on the light and look in the mirror. I am shocked! I think I like it.... but I am still not sure, its now a little passed my shoulder, a deep red/brown and my bangs are definately shorter.

My aunt calls from the other room... "Well, how do you like it?" I hesitate and answer "I think I like it...." she laughs and says "It is a huge change, you'll get used to it".

Now its time to head home, I jump in my car and head to SLO, hoping my boyfriend likes it too. The ride seemed like hours, when really it was about 20 min, I pulled up to see my boyfriends smiling face, I can tell he likes it right away.

So a few weeks have gone by, its lightened up a little and I am in love with it, not sure if I will ever go back blonde.... if you would have asked me 2 months ago if I would die my hair something other than blonde, I probably would have laughed at you!



Jenna Rae

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

YAY for Getting in Shape

So I have finally decided to start working on my wieght, I have met with my doctor and we are on a great weight loss plan. So far I have lost about 16lbs and I am very excited! I don't have a scale at home since it gets depressing and I would probably get obsessive with it, so I only know my progress when i visit the doctor (every 6 weeks).

My first trip to the doctor was last week and I thought I had maybe lost 5lbs, I stepped on the scale and BAM, 16lbs gone, that is probably the most motivating thing that could have happened.

I will keep you updated and potentially start posting before/after pics (maybe) lol, I have a long way to go but man was that first step a leep!

Jenna Rae

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Turning into the one thing I hate most....

Weight.... I have struggled with being overweight for as long as I can remember. But I always made sure to exercise and watch what I eat.... this way when I complained about being overweight I was at least doing something to fix it. I was never the biggest fan of the people that were overweight and weren't doing anything to fix it, and I promised myself I would never get to that point.... but I did. I realized the other day that I have totally become the one thing I loathed most in the world.... that overweight person that doesn't do anything to fix it, but complains about it.

But I have also realized WHY people become that person. Its because you try for so long to lose weight, you watch what you eat, exercise every day, spend money on weight loss pills and diets and then as soon as you take a small break it all comes back.... for as long as I can remember i've gone back and forth between fat and thin... never really thin, but thinner than my fat stages. It's exhausted and disheartening to ALWAYS have to be watching yourself.... making sure you're not eating just because you are upset or bored or happy.... and not being able to eat what you want, when you want it.

Its disheartening to get to your highest weight and try to lose and not see any results, its frustrating when people don't understand and when people treat you differently because of your size. I am still me, just a bigger me....

Its irritating to try on 30 pairs of jeans and have not a single pair fit you correctly, and having to drive 3 hours to even find a store that sells your size.

And still, none of that is motivation enough for me to hit the gym, or eat an apple instead of some chips because I know that that small change won't make enough of an impact on my weight for me to continue doing it.

The hardest thing for me is to get motivated to lose weight, no matter what happens, I can't seem to get motivated.... and I don't know how to fix it.....

I guess I just need to suck it up and deal with it....

Jenna Rae

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Time to Rant

So, lately I have noticed an abundance of rude people. It amazes me, how our generation and younger just has no respect for one another, people don't think before they speak and definitely don't care who they offend when they speak.

I don't understand how people can go through life, not caring who they offend or why what they say is offensive. People that think they are better then other people, for no apparent reason, and treat other people with disrespect because they feel they can.

Sometimes I hope I die young, because I don't know if I want to stick around for future generations, and see snobbery and rudeness overpower thoughtfulness and kindness. That is not a world I want to live in......

Jenna Rae

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

YAY For blogging

So I decided that I should start blogging, I have a lot to say and figure.... who knows? other people might want to hear it too! (Highly doubt that LOL).

Anywho, I have blogged a bit before (on myspace... I don't know if that is really considered blogging) but decided not to move it over as it is in the past and most are about how unloved and unwanted I felt because I had been single for about 4 years.

But my life has changed a lot since that time, I have a better job, an amazing boyfriend and great people in my life... but I am always looking for more great people.

So that is it, here is to a new venture and hopefully not becoming too addicted to talking about my life!

XOXO Jenna Rae