On the morning of Tuesday, November 2nd, I got a phone call from Minbody and here is how that went!
Me: "Hello"
Mindbody: "Hi, may I please speak with Jenna?"
Me: "Yes, this is her."
Mindbody: "Hi Jenna, this is **** from Mindbody, I was just calling to congratulate you. We are offering you the job as Merchant Account...
Me: "REALLY!!!!!" (high pitched squeal)
Mindbody: "Yes! We will be sending you an official letter later today or tomorrow, but I wanted to be the first to let you know!"
Me: "Thank you so, so much! I am so excited! I look forward to the email"
Mindbody: "I look forward to working you, have a great day!"
Me: "You as well!"
That was one of the best phone calls I have ever received in my life! Poor guy, I probably burst his ear drum with my high pitch "Really!!!".
I got my "official" letter on Wednesday morning, which informed me of my start date (Tuesday the 9th), my pay, benefits etc and also had my background check form. I promptly signed everything and got it turned in and I look forward to starting my NEW JOB, tomorrow!
How did I land a job at the company that was at the top of my "Company's I want to work for" list? Be watching for another post on what I did to get through unemployment and land a job at my dream company.
Ta ta for now! Have a fabulous day!
When life gives you lemons, be difficult and make grape juice!
Not necessarily the odd one out, but never really fitting "in". This is my life and everything in it. All the love, laughter and happiness; and sometimes the sadness too. This is my journey as a fruitloop in this world full of cheerios, trying to make my mark and live every day to the fullest! (if you have to ask, I am an orange fruitloop)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
It's the Big 2-5 and...
I was totally not ready to hit that milestone!I turned 25 years old on the 3rd. I would have never imagined at the age of 25 I would be unemployed, my family would all be moving to different states and I would be here... alone... with nothing. Well, I can't say nothing...because I do have my amazing boyfriend and awesome friends... but my family is a HUGE part of my life and sometimes it does feel like I have nothing without them.
I did have a great birthday though, friends and family came over on Friday night for appetizers, drinks and games. On Saturday I went to my first ever baseball game at the Dodgers Stadium. It was a blast thanks to a family friend who gave us tickets, a parking pass and a pass for free food! On Sunday, we went to the Santa Anita Shopping Center in Arcadia where I got to go shopping, have lunch at the Cheesecake factory (David's first time!) and then went to Dave and Busters for the first time. I really had an amazing weekend!
But now that my weekend is over, reality is setting in... For those of you who know me, you know that I am a pretty optimistic person, sometimes I can be considered too happy. When I was younger my mom tells me that it was almost like I lived in my own little world, where everyone was happy and got along! Why can't I go back there? LOL
Anywho, back to reality. This week has been a tough one... my dad's stuff got pushed to November 15th, my mom moved to her temporary place at my grandmas until she is off to Utah at the end of the month, my little brother left for Louisiana and we found a home for our family dog, Whiskey. Job hunting is getting harder and harder and while I know I can't give up, I just want to throw in the towel.
I am so grateful to have my friends and boyfriend to keep me afloat in these dark days, I know tomorrow will be better!
Thanks for listening!
I did have a great birthday though, friends and family came over on Friday night for appetizers, drinks and games. On Saturday I went to my first ever baseball game at the Dodgers Stadium. It was a blast thanks to a family friend who gave us tickets, a parking pass and a pass for free food! On Sunday, we went to the Santa Anita Shopping Center in Arcadia where I got to go shopping, have lunch at the Cheesecake factory (David's first time!) and then went to Dave and Busters for the first time. I really had an amazing weekend!
But now that my weekend is over, reality is setting in... For those of you who know me, you know that I am a pretty optimistic person, sometimes I can be considered too happy. When I was younger my mom tells me that it was almost like I lived in my own little world, where everyone was happy and got along! Why can't I go back there? LOL
Anywho, back to reality. This week has been a tough one... my dad's stuff got pushed to November 15th, my mom moved to her temporary place at my grandmas until she is off to Utah at the end of the month, my little brother left for Louisiana and we found a home for our family dog, Whiskey. Job hunting is getting harder and harder and while I know I can't give up, I just want to throw in the towel.
I am so grateful to have my friends and boyfriend to keep me afloat in these dark days, I know tomorrow will be better!
Thanks for listening!
Friday, October 8, 2010
I love Halloween!
So I really do love Halloween! It is by far my favorite holiday! Last year was my first real Halloween in my own house... so I decorated a little bit, but this year i was totally prepared! I hope you enjoy the pictures! Next year I will have even more stuff to decorate with! I love shopping after halloween, we got our spiderweb last year for 10 cents each at Walmart! Michaels always has some great deals too! Where are your favorite places to shop for halloween decorations?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Help Whiskey Find a Home
As you all know, I have had some crazy family stuff happen over the last few months. Because of this, we have to give up our super loving dog, Whiskey.
Whiskey is a 4yr old husky/golden retriever mix, he is neutered, I believe he is micro-chipped (we got him from the shelter) and he is great with other animals and children. He is house trained and good both indoors and out, he loves to just be around you, he likes to go on walks and would probably do well on runs too. He minds well and knows basic commands.
He comes with his dog house, food and water bowls, any dog food we still have, his collar, leash, choke collar for walking and his dog toys.
He really is the absolute sweetest dog I have ever met, he loves to have an owner and appreciates being taken care of. See Pictures of Whiskey Here
I look forward to hearing from you!
Whiskey is a 4yr old husky/golden retriever mix, he is neutered, I believe he is micro-chipped (we got him from the shelter) and he is great with other animals and children. He is house trained and good both indoors and out, he loves to just be around you, he likes to go on walks and would probably do well on runs too. He minds well and knows basic commands.
He comes with his dog house, food and water bowls, any dog food we still have, his collar, leash, choke collar for walking and his dog toys.
He really is the absolute sweetest dog I have ever met, he loves to have an owner and appreciates being taken care of. See Pictures of Whiskey Here
I look forward to hearing from you!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Meet Pixel... The Cat that Adopted Us!
I have been oh so lonely here at the house in the daytime and David and I had been looking into getting a cat, but weren't really sure if we wanted one. We discussed it multiple times and decided that maybe it wasn't the right time for a kitty, since we couldn't even make time to get to the shelter together, how were we going to make time for the kitty itself (and everything else involved with a new kitty). Literally a few days after we decided we weren't going to get a cat, this adorable little kitty started hanging around our apartment complex. She slept under the cars, loved the attention from all the tenants and hung out by our front door often. So.... we started feeding her just a little bit.
Well, you know what happens when you feed a cat... she won't leave! She started hanging out with me in the day, coming and going as she pleased. Sleeping on the couch... running around the house etc. We absolutely LOVED her, but she wasn't really "ours". I called the shelter to report her found and posted multiple ads on craigslist, this adorable little cat HAD to be someones, maybe she just wandered a little to far from home, and we inadvertently kidnapped her. The shelter told us that if no one claimed her after 30 days, she would be considered "our" cat. So we waited and waiting, we didn't want to name her or get to close, what if someone claimed her, what if she was sick... what if she was pregnant?
Well 30 days lapsed and still no sign of an owner, how could someone have given this sweet baby up? So here comes the decision, do we keep her, or take her to the shelter or call the feline network to see if they can place her? We just couldn't bring ourselves to take her anywhere but into our home. So we named her... after going through tons of names (Lola, Mila, Ms. Kitty Fantastico, Princess Peach, etc) we named her... Pixel (which everyone seems to LOVE, you can call her pixie for short if you want).
Our next step was too the vet...
Her first visit to the vet was last week, she was given her first LVRC vaccine, tested for leukemia, they checked to see if she was spayed and gave us a de-worming pill. When we got home she was very lethargic, would barely eat and slept all day (this is normal after a vaccine). The next day she was back to her normal self, so we chopped up her de-worming pill, put it in some tuna and gave it to her... but she wouldn't eat it! So we had to chop up the tuna and then mix it in wet cat food and feed that to her and she finally ate it!
We went and bought her a collar (since we had shelled out over $100 at the vet) with her name (Pixel) and our phone number, we got her food bowls, a litter box and some toys.
By Monday, she was back to her adorable sassy little self. I set up an appointment to have her spayed on October 11th, and have appointments throughout the next few weeks for her booster LVRC vaccine, Rabies Vaccine and Leukemia vaccine, I also have an appointment at PetSmart for a grooming session with a flea/tick shampoo and then a flea/tick spot treatment. I really think she is loving her new home with us, just as much as we love her! She has already started bring us "gifts" including a huge dragon fly, a lizard almost the length of her and today she brought me a grasshopper.
About 2 nights ago, I got a very random text message from a number a didn't recognize... here is the conversation:
Random #: Yr new kitty has a name. Kitty Thief!
Random #: I see you took it to the vet I hope you did'ent spend to much money on her.
Me: Who is this?
Random #: One of the owners of mesha
Me: Well she started coming to our house, she was malnourished and thin. She had fleas and worms... I posted her on craigslist as FOUND for weeks, looked on craigslist for lost ads, called the shelter to make a report and see if anyone reported her missing. She had no tags, no microchip... I did what I could to find her owner. After a month... we took her in.
Random #: Her name is mesha. U can worm her as much as you want as long as she has fleas she can get worms back with in 2 weeks. Fleas r hard to get rid of right now just to let u know.
Me: We have no problem dealing with this like adults, without the random threatening texts. If you would like to talk about it, please call me.
Random #: If you like her u can have her but she does just walk into random places so keep a close eye on her.
So it sounds like her original owners live nearby, maybe even in our apartment complex. But my feeling is, if they really wanted her, they would have taken more care of her and noticed when she was gone for weeks at a time. I just pray that she doesn't get kitty napped... we love her so much and would be very upset if she went missing.
That is all for now, I am sure there will be more to come about Pixel's adventures.
For More Pictures, Take A Look At Her Facebook Album!
Well, you know what happens when you feed a cat... she won't leave! She started hanging out with me in the day, coming and going as she pleased. Sleeping on the couch... running around the house etc. We absolutely LOVED her, but she wasn't really "ours". I called the shelter to report her found and posted multiple ads on craigslist, this adorable little cat HAD to be someones, maybe she just wandered a little to far from home, and we inadvertently kidnapped her. The shelter told us that if no one claimed her after 30 days, she would be considered "our" cat. So we waited and waiting, we didn't want to name her or get to close, what if someone claimed her, what if she was sick... what if she was pregnant?
Well 30 days lapsed and still no sign of an owner, how could someone have given this sweet baby up? So here comes the decision, do we keep her, or take her to the shelter or call the feline network to see if they can place her? We just couldn't bring ourselves to take her anywhere but into our home. So we named her... after going through tons of names (Lola, Mila, Ms. Kitty Fantastico, Princess Peach, etc) we named her... Pixel (which everyone seems to LOVE, you can call her pixie for short if you want).
Our next step was too the vet...
Her first visit to the vet was last week, she was given her first LVRC vaccine, tested for leukemia, they checked to see if she was spayed and gave us a de-worming pill. When we got home she was very lethargic, would barely eat and slept all day (this is normal after a vaccine). The next day she was back to her normal self, so we chopped up her de-worming pill, put it in some tuna and gave it to her... but she wouldn't eat it! So we had to chop up the tuna and then mix it in wet cat food and feed that to her and she finally ate it!
We went and bought her a collar (since we had shelled out over $100 at the vet) with her name (Pixel) and our phone number, we got her food bowls, a litter box and some toys.
By Monday, she was back to her adorable sassy little self. I set up an appointment to have her spayed on October 11th, and have appointments throughout the next few weeks for her booster LVRC vaccine, Rabies Vaccine and Leukemia vaccine, I also have an appointment at PetSmart for a grooming session with a flea/tick shampoo and then a flea/tick spot treatment. I really think she is loving her new home with us, just as much as we love her! She has already started bring us "gifts" including a huge dragon fly, a lizard almost the length of her and today she brought me a grasshopper.
About 2 nights ago, I got a very random text message from a number a didn't recognize... here is the conversation:
Random #: Yr new kitty has a name. Kitty Thief!
Random #: I see you took it to the vet I hope you did'ent spend to much money on her.
Me: Who is this?
Random #: One of the owners of mesha
Me: Well she started coming to our house, she was malnourished and thin. She had fleas and worms... I posted her on craigslist as FOUND for weeks, looked on craigslist for lost ads, called the shelter to make a report and see if anyone reported her missing. She had no tags, no microchip... I did what I could to find her owner. After a month... we took her in.
Random #: Her name is mesha. U can worm her as much as you want as long as she has fleas she can get worms back with in 2 weeks. Fleas r hard to get rid of right now just to let u know.
Me: We have no problem dealing with this like adults, without the random threatening texts. If you would like to talk about it, please call me.
Random #: If you like her u can have her but she does just walk into random places so keep a close eye on her.
So it sounds like her original owners live nearby, maybe even in our apartment complex. But my feeling is, if they really wanted her, they would have taken more care of her and noticed when she was gone for weeks at a time. I just pray that she doesn't get kitty napped... we love her so much and would be very upset if she went missing.
That is all for now, I am sure there will be more to come about Pixel's adventures.
For More Pictures, Take A Look At Her Facebook Album!
Friday, September 24, 2010
The hunt is on... and still going...
So in June of this year, I was layed off, it was probably one of the most horrible experiences I have had in a while. Nothing is worse than feeling useless and unneeded at a job you love. Since then I have been hunting continuously for a job. I have had a few interviews, but no bites, and the more "no's" I get, the more discouraged I become. About a month ago, I had an interview that was on my "I really want to work for" company list, I was very excited just to learn more about the company and to have the opportunity to interview with them, while it turned out that I wasn't a good fit, it was still a good experience, even with the disappointment in the end.
Looking for work is like a full time job. I get up every morning, check my email, check my 10 job websites and apply, apply, apply! I literally check back on the sites every couple of hours to see what else has been posted and what else I can apply for. I keep a list of all the company's/jobs I have applied for so I don't apply for the same job twice (that would be embarrassing!) and then I wait... and wait.... and wait.
This week I had (what I thought was) an awesome interview and I am hoping to hear back from the company soon. About 2 weeks ago, I had an absolutely HORRIBLE impromptu phone interview, I totally screwed it up and kicked myself every day for about a week. I have since moved on, used it as a learning experience and will be more prepared in the future.
I have been getting more and more prepared for interviews as each one comes up, soon I am gonna feel like I am just reciting lines. I have research difficult questions asked in interviews and written out my responses to each one, I research each company prior to applying, so I know what the company is, their visions and culture etc, If I dont like what they sound like from their website, I am definitely not going to like working there.
So far, my efforts haven't paid off, but I am hoping all this interviewing is just practice for the perfect job! I know its out there and I can't wait to find it!
Looking for work is like a full time job. I get up every morning, check my email, check my 10 job websites and apply, apply, apply! I literally check back on the sites every couple of hours to see what else has been posted and what else I can apply for. I keep a list of all the company's/jobs I have applied for so I don't apply for the same job twice (that would be embarrassing!) and then I wait... and wait.... and wait.
This week I had (what I thought was) an awesome interview and I am hoping to hear back from the company soon. About 2 weeks ago, I had an absolutely HORRIBLE impromptu phone interview, I totally screwed it up and kicked myself every day for about a week. I have since moved on, used it as a learning experience and will be more prepared in the future.
I have been getting more and more prepared for interviews as each one comes up, soon I am gonna feel like I am just reciting lines. I have research difficult questions asked in interviews and written out my responses to each one, I research each company prior to applying, so I know what the company is, their visions and culture etc, If I dont like what they sound like from their website, I am definitely not going to like working there.
So far, my efforts haven't paid off, but I am hoping all this interviewing is just practice for the perfect job! I know its out there and I can't wait to find it!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Get Yur Hair Did...
Since I have lost my job it has been impossible for me to get to the salon and get my hair done. My hair is so thick and gets so long that it gives me headaches when I put it up, it totally sucks!
Well last night my amazing boyfriend said he would pay for me to get my hair done and I could pay him back with my next few unemployment checks! I was so, so, so excited, I got into the salon today and feel like a new woman! It's amazing what a new hairdo does for your confidence :D
If you are ever looking for a new stylist Lisa Ponce at Faces and Alamode Salon is the best! See my review here: Faces & Alamode Salon, Yelp.com Review
Well last night my amazing boyfriend said he would pay for me to get my hair done and I could pay him back with my next few unemployment checks! I was so, so, so excited, I got into the salon today and feel like a new woman! It's amazing what a new hairdo does for your confidence :D
If you are ever looking for a new stylist Lisa Ponce at Faces and Alamode Salon is the best! See my review here: Faces & Alamode Salon, Yelp.com Review
Monday, August 9, 2010
Our Second Anniversary
Over the weekend, David and I turned 2! Our Anniversary was on Saturday, but Davids family was in town, so we decided to hang out with them and celebrate on Sunday. It was nice to spend time with each other on both Friday and Saturday night, just hanging out and relaxing. Sunday was a long day, but totally worth it! We split the day into 2 parts, David wanted the first half of the day and I got the second (mine started around 4pm). We woke up around 9am and layed in bed for an hour talking and enjoying each others company. While I got ready, David ran to the store to get supplies for his day. At 10:45 it was time to leave.
We started the day off with brunch at The Clubhouse at This Old House, enjoying large mimosas and a pretty good breakfast burrito.
After brunch we headed home and it was time for a walk, we ended up walking to the park down the street. David brought a few sodas and some blankets so we could just lay and relax, enjoying each others company and the beautiful day. We rested for about an hour, then it was time to head home.
He told me I had to grab something I could get wet in (I don't own a swimsuit), so i grabbed some shorts and a tank top and we were off again. He drove us to Sycamore Mineral Springs where we got a hot tub! I was super excited, because if you know David, you know he HATES water! This was so sweet of him!
Once we got to the hot tub he pulled all kinds of stuff out of his bag! He had prepared a cute little snack for us; Strawberries, PB&J, Cheeze Its, Animal Cookies and topped it all off with Arbor Mist in some red cups! We sat in the hot tub and talked and ate our snacks until it was time to go home.
We got home around 3:30 so we layed around for a half hour until it was my turn to take over. At 4pm it was time to leave.
First we headed to the dollar store, I gave David $10 and tasked him with finding 5 things that reminded him of me, it could be literal, metaphorical etc. I did the same and we did our best to avoid each other in the store. Once we were done with that, we headed to Micheals.
At Michaels we bought supplies to create t-shirts for each other, we had bought plain white shirts on Saturday, so we knew what we were decorating. After picking up all the supplies, we headed to vons.
At Vons we purchased stuff to make our own home made pizza and then ice cream sundays for dessert. I got chicken, bacon bits, creamy parmesan basil sauce. David got pepperoni, mozzarella and marinara sauce. We had some cheddar and pepperjack cheese at home. I picked up some pillsbary croissant rounds and then we grabbed some hot fudge, butterscotch, whipped cream and peanuts for our sundays and lastly a pint of Oreo cookies and cream ice cream!
Once we got home from our shopping trip, it was time to make our shirts. We both worked diligently on each others shirts until they were complete.
After creating the shirts,it was time to make dinner. David made a pepperoni pizza with marinara sauce and mozzarella and pepperjack cheese. I made a chicken and bacon pizza with creamy parmesan basil sauce and cheddar and mozzarella cheese. After sticking our food in the oven, I sent David to the office so I could get the living room ready to create an indoor candlelight picnic. When the food was ready I set up our table and poured us some Chamisal Rose (thanks Jon!).
After dinner we went through the dollar store stuff! We each took turns showing an item and explaining why we got it. This was a lot of fun, it was silly but sweet, I really enjoyed it!
Word Puzzles - because when we first got together we would create words of the day and use them often.
Kitty Puppet - because we both want a kitty
Flower - because every girl likes flowers!
Runts - because i was a preme baby (and I like candy)
Silly putty - because I am silly and we both like to play with toys!
Socks - because he keeps me warm and cozy
Googly Eyes - because I love him so much, he gives me googly eyes
Vanilla Candles - because it reminded me of a time he made me a bubble bath with vanilla candles after I had a long week at work
Goobers - because he is a Goober
Glow sticks - because he lights up my life
We finished the night off watching TrueBlood and eating ice cream sundaes! All in all, it was a fantastic day and I am looking forward to more wonderful years with my man!
We started the day off with brunch at The Clubhouse at This Old House, enjoying large mimosas and a pretty good breakfast burrito.
After brunch we headed home and it was time for a walk, we ended up walking to the park down the street. David brought a few sodas and some blankets so we could just lay and relax, enjoying each others company and the beautiful day. We rested for about an hour, then it was time to head home.
He told me I had to grab something I could get wet in (I don't own a swimsuit), so i grabbed some shorts and a tank top and we were off again. He drove us to Sycamore Mineral Springs where we got a hot tub! I was super excited, because if you know David, you know he HATES water! This was so sweet of him!
We got home around 3:30 so we layed around for a half hour until it was my turn to take over. At 4pm it was time to leave.
First we headed to the dollar store, I gave David $10 and tasked him with finding 5 things that reminded him of me, it could be literal, metaphorical etc. I did the same and we did our best to avoid each other in the store. Once we were done with that, we headed to Micheals.
At Michaels we bought supplies to create t-shirts for each other, we had bought plain white shirts on Saturday, so we knew what we were decorating. After picking up all the supplies, we headed to vons.
At Vons we purchased stuff to make our own home made pizza and then ice cream sundays for dessert. I got chicken, bacon bits, creamy parmesan basil sauce. David got pepperoni, mozzarella and marinara sauce. We had some cheddar and pepperjack cheese at home. I picked up some pillsbary croissant rounds and then we grabbed some hot fudge, butterscotch, whipped cream and peanuts for our sundays and lastly a pint of Oreo cookies and cream ice cream!
After creating the shirts,it was time to make dinner. David made a pepperoni pizza with marinara sauce and mozzarella and pepperjack cheese. I made a chicken and bacon pizza with creamy parmesan basil sauce and cheddar and mozzarella cheese. After sticking our food in the oven, I sent David to the office so I could get the living room ready to create an indoor candlelight picnic. When the food was ready I set up our table and poured us some Chamisal Rose (thanks Jon!).
After dinner we went through the dollar store stuff! We each took turns showing an item and explaining why we got it. This was a lot of fun, it was silly but sweet, I really enjoyed it!
Word Puzzles - because when we first got together we would create words of the day and use them often.
Kitty Puppet - because we both want a kitty
Flower - because every girl likes flowers!
Runts - because i was a preme baby (and I like candy)
Silly putty - because I am silly and we both like to play with toys!
Socks - because he keeps me warm and cozy
Googly Eyes - because I love him so much, he gives me googly eyes
Vanilla Candles - because it reminded me of a time he made me a bubble bath with vanilla candles after I had a long week at work
Goobers - because he is a Goober
Glow sticks - because he lights up my life
We finished the night off watching TrueBlood and eating ice cream sundaes! All in all, it was a fantastic day and I am looking forward to more wonderful years with my man!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It has been a while... and a lot has happened.
So when I first started this blog I was truly excited about writing daily or even weekly and getting my thoughts out to the endless world of the internet. But I haven't really written that much. So I am back (well I guess I was never really here that much) but I am here and trying to write again, lets see if it works out this time.
Over the past few months a lot has happened in my life that has made me re-evaluate what is important, who to depend on and where I stand in life. In short, I had some very intense family stuff happen, I got moved from a "we need you" position at work to a "b team" position to layed off and my boyfriend and I took a week break to evaluate our relationship and make sure it is where it should be.
My family has been going through some major life changes since February, without getting into too much detail I had to be the adult and the shoulder to lean on. While I don't mind being the strong point for family members, its hard when you are just as involved as they are in the situation, you have to pull strength from a place that you weren't even sure existed.
During this time my work made some organizational changes, at that time I was moved from the position that i was recently told was a "we will always need" to what they were calling the "JV staff", where we were told we had to petition for projects, essentially may the best man win. I was already so stressed out with the family situation that it was increasingly difficult to deal with the situation at work. Everything made me cry and I was having a hard time holding it together. I did the best I could do but was layed off a month or so later (along with 4 other staff members).
About a week after being layed off, my relationship took a little turn... My boyfriend was having some difficulty dealing with all the craziness I called life and "wasn't sure if we should be together". Talk about the final blow. I packed up and left that day, I was so upset that I could give and give and give so much in the 2 years we have been together and he couldn't even man up to support me in my few months of need. I stayed with my mom for a week, in that week we only conversed via email, somedays seemed like we were moving forward and some felt as if we were moving backward. One week felt like an exhausting month! In the end, I needed more support and appreciation from him and he needed more trust from me. We did work things out and I am now home, but don't want to go through that again.
After going through a week of sitting at my mom's house with nothing to do, I realized that I REALLY need more friends. So I posted a craigslist ad in the strictly platonic (I know, I know) looking for gal pals. And guess what... I found some! I met an amazing new friend, Ashley, who is a blast to be around and just brings light into a room! I also met a new friend, Amber, who I am just getting to know, but she seems like a ton of fun so far and I can't wait for a friendship to develop.
I recieved unemployment and have been looking for jobs daily. Lord knows how many I have applied for! I had 2 great interviews about a week after I got layed off, but neither of them worked out... since then I have had a whole lot of nothing! Just sitting and applying over and over and over.
This all leads up to right now... right now, I am sitting at home, waiting for my BF to get here so we can go do laundry. I had a great interview this afternoon with an awesome start up company and I am hoping to hear good things. I think once I get a job I will finally be in a place where life is settling back into place... while the issues with my family are still going on, the initial shock has much warn off and I think I will be OK. I have new friends, a newly revived relationship with my boyfriend and great potential heading my way...
Until next time...
Jenna Rae
Over the past few months a lot has happened in my life that has made me re-evaluate what is important, who to depend on and where I stand in life. In short, I had some very intense family stuff happen, I got moved from a "we need you" position at work to a "b team" position to layed off and my boyfriend and I took a week break to evaluate our relationship and make sure it is where it should be.
My family has been going through some major life changes since February, without getting into too much detail I had to be the adult and the shoulder to lean on. While I don't mind being the strong point for family members, its hard when you are just as involved as they are in the situation, you have to pull strength from a place that you weren't even sure existed.
During this time my work made some organizational changes, at that time I was moved from the position that i was recently told was a "we will always need" to what they were calling the "JV staff", where we were told we had to petition for projects, essentially may the best man win. I was already so stressed out with the family situation that it was increasingly difficult to deal with the situation at work. Everything made me cry and I was having a hard time holding it together. I did the best I could do but was layed off a month or so later (along with 4 other staff members).
About a week after being layed off, my relationship took a little turn... My boyfriend was having some difficulty dealing with all the craziness I called life and "wasn't sure if we should be together". Talk about the final blow. I packed up and left that day, I was so upset that I could give and give and give so much in the 2 years we have been together and he couldn't even man up to support me in my few months of need. I stayed with my mom for a week, in that week we only conversed via email, somedays seemed like we were moving forward and some felt as if we were moving backward. One week felt like an exhausting month! In the end, I needed more support and appreciation from him and he needed more trust from me. We did work things out and I am now home, but don't want to go through that again.
After going through a week of sitting at my mom's house with nothing to do, I realized that I REALLY need more friends. So I posted a craigslist ad in the strictly platonic (I know, I know) looking for gal pals. And guess what... I found some! I met an amazing new friend, Ashley, who is a blast to be around and just brings light into a room! I also met a new friend, Amber, who I am just getting to know, but she seems like a ton of fun so far and I can't wait for a friendship to develop.
I recieved unemployment and have been looking for jobs daily. Lord knows how many I have applied for! I had 2 great interviews about a week after I got layed off, but neither of them worked out... since then I have had a whole lot of nothing! Just sitting and applying over and over and over.
This all leads up to right now... right now, I am sitting at home, waiting for my BF to get here so we can go do laundry. I had a great interview this afternoon with an awesome start up company and I am hoping to hear good things. I think once I get a job I will finally be in a place where life is settling back into place... while the issues with my family are still going on, the initial shock has much warn off and I think I will be OK. I have new friends, a newly revived relationship with my boyfriend and great potential heading my way...
Until next time...
Jenna Rae
Friday, January 22, 2010
Help For Haiti
This week my work hosted an Italian potluck to support Haiti. We were all incouraged to invite our friends and family to the event and to donate what we could, the owner of the company funded the event (paying for the food, letting us take a long lunch to hang out with the people attending, etc)and also generously matched what was raised. From this small fundraiser put together by our office, we were able to raise over $2,200 with the match from our owner that put us at $4,500! With the final total in, the donation was made to UNICEF.
I am truly honored to work for such an amazing company and humbled to have such awesome co workers. Just think if every company held a small get together with just a small donation jar, you'd be amazed at the results!
I am truly honored to work for such an amazing company and humbled to have such awesome co workers. Just think if every company held a small get together with just a small donation jar, you'd be amazed at the results!
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