As I sat in the chair while she painted my hair with dark red/brown and threw some honey highlights in there, I couldn't help but be nervous! I kept thinking, "what if it doesn't look good? What if I hate it? What if....." It was really too late now.
For those of you that don't know, I have had blonde-platinum blonde hair for as long as I can remember, its always been long staying around the middle of my back, at this point it was passed the middle of my back. So going from platinum blonde to anything darker is a pretty drastic change.
After about an hour and half it was time to rinse, I watched the red/purple water pour down the drain getting more nervous each time I opened my eyes, but there was no turning back now.
She wrapped my hair up in a towel and sent me to the chair, were she cut and cut and cut (what felt like FOREVER), I got up to see what could have been a large hamster on the ground, man that was a lot of hair! So finally I get to see it...... drum roll please.......
I walk into the bathroom, turn on the light and look in the mirror. I am shocked! I think I like it.... but I am still not sure, its now a little passed my shoulder, a deep red/brown and my bangs are definately shorter.
My aunt calls from the other room... "Well, how do you like it?" I hesitate and answer "I think I like it...." she laughs and says "It is a huge change, you'll get used to it".
Now its time to head home, I jump in my car and head to SLO, hoping my boyfriend likes it too. The ride seemed like hours, when really it was about 20 min, I pulled up to see my boyfriends smiling face, I can tell he likes it right away.
So a few weeks have gone by, its lightened up a little and I am in love with it, not sure if I will ever go back blonde.... if you would have asked me 2 months ago if I would die my hair something other than blonde, I probably would have laughed at you!
Jenna Rae
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